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Круглогодичные товары

Pots and vases

Широкий ассортимент круглогодичных декоративных изделий, включая искусственные и засушенные цветы и растения, флористические украшения и аксессуары, водные фонтаны и многое другое.

Patinated metal casing HD003B

Patinated metal casing with handles HD006B

White ceramic round vase HD018

Patinated metal casing with handles HD015B

White ceramic curve vase HD019

White ceramic casing big HD030B

White ceramic casing small HD030A

Oval white ceramic casing HD031

Ceramic oval casing HD046

Ceramic vase HD047

Ceramic vase black or white HD036

White ceramic vase Hands HD037

Ceramic casing 'Hands' HD038B

Ceramic casing with checked pattern HD033A

Ceramic casing with checked pattern HD033B

Ceramic vase HD043

Ceramic vase HD044

Ceramic oval casing HD045

Ceramic vase HD039

Oval white ceramic casing HD034